Chandigarh: In line with the directives of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Water Supply and Sanitation Minister Brahm Shankar Zimpa convened a meeting with Mohali district administration and police officials to discuss the prevailing situation in flood-affected areas. The meeting aimed to gather information and ensure effective coordination in providing assistance to those affected by the floods.
During the meeting, Minister Brahm Shankar Zimpa emphasized the importance of ensuring that government aid reaches the affected people promptly. He called upon the officials to prioritize the needs of the affected communities and work diligently to address their requirements in a timely manner.
Expressing concern over the situation, Minister Zimpa appealed to the central government to extend their support to Punjab during this challenging period. He urged the central government to come forward with an open heart and provide the necessary assistance to alleviate the impact of the floods.
The recent heavy rains and subsequent flooding in various parts of Punjab have caused significant damage and disruption. The state government, under the guidance of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, has been actively engaged in relief efforts and mobilizing resources to support affected individuals and communities. Minister Zimpa’s meeting with the Mohali district administration and police officials demonstrates the government’s commitment to assessing the ground realities and coordinating relief efforts effectively.