Ludhiana: In a daring daylight heist, miscreants managed to steal a bag containing Rs 22 lakh from a Range Rover parked at the Shivalik petrol pump near South City. The incident took place when the driver had stopped to get a puncture fixed. While the driver’s attention was on the puncture, an opportunistic thief snatched the bag from the rear of the vehicle and quickly made his escape with the help of an accomplice on a motorcycle.
The victim, identified as Bahadur Singh, narrated the incident, stating that he had dropped off the car’s owner, Karan Arora, at his real estate office. Upon parking the vehicle, he noticed that one of the tires had been punctured with a needle. Concerned about the safety of the vehicle, Singh immediately headed to the nearby petrol pump to get the puncture repaired.
As soon as Singh discovered the theft, he promptly informed the owner, Karan Arora, about the unfortunate incident. Authorities were notified, and a team led by CIA-1, ADCP Shubham Aggarwal, and ACP Mandeep Singh quickly arrived at the petrol pump to assess the situation. The police are currently examining the CCTV footage from the vicinity to identify the culprits.