Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar: The Court Hearing in two cases involving Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, a prominent figure, and former militant, is scheduled to take place on August 28. Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara was presented in the Additional District Sessions Judge Court in the cases related to the alleged possession of explosive material and conspiracy at the Sadar Kharar and Sohana police stations. However, a reply from the Additional Superintendent (ASP) of Central Jail Mandoli, Delhi, indicated that Hawara, considered a high-risk prisoner, could not be presented physically.
The unforeseen absence of Bhai Hawara in court was attributed to his high-risk status and the logistical challenge of providing adequate security personnel. Additionally, the upcoming Independence Day celebrations on August 15 further strained police resources. In light of these factors, he appeared virtually in the court and the next hearing of the court has been scheduled for August 28.
Bhai Hawara’s lawyer, Jaspal Singh Manjhpur, expressed concern over the prolonged duration of the pending cases. Despite the completion of arguments, the charges have not been determined. Both cases, now slated for simultaneous hearings, have been rekindled by a High Court order.
Meanwhile, advocacy groups are also pushing for Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara’s personal appearance in court, emphasizing the need for transparency in legal proceedings. There are additional calls for Bhai Hawara to be transferred to jails in Ropar or Patiala, considering the FIRs are registered in Mohali and Chandigarh.