Chandigarh: About the Mukhtar Ansari case, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab Chief Spokesperson Malvinder Singh Kang questioned former Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh that when Captain did not know Mukhtari Ansari at all, then why did he give him shelter in Punjab for two years?
In a statement issued from the party headquarters on Wednesday, Malvinder Kang questioned Captain that when he had nothing to do with Mukhtar Ansari, then why the Waqf Board land was given to Ansari’s son during his government? Why were expensive lawyers hired for him at the Punjab government’s expense?
Kang alleged that in order to give shelter to Mukhtar Ansari, he was deliberately brought to Punjab from Uttar Pradesh after being implicated in a small case here. The Uttar Pradesh government had demanded his remand back several times but the Captain government kept on deliberately postponing the matter. He was provided five star facilities in the jail.
He said that Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann would not spare anyone involved in this matter. The government will take legal action against all the people and will recover the money spent on Mukhtar Ansari. No one involved in this case can get away with it now and they will have to face consequences.