Thane: A Devastating accident occurred on Monday night on the Samridhi Express Highway in Thane, Maharashtra, resulting in the tragic loss of 17 lives. The incident took place during the construction of a bridge in the vicinity of Sarlambe, near Shahpur, when a girder launching machine collapsed.
The construction work was underway during the nighttime hours when the unfortunate incident unfolded. As per media reports, the girder launching machine fell from a height of approximately 100 feet at around 1:30 am. There are concerns that some workers might still be trapped under the debris.
The rescue efforts gained momentum after the arrival of a crane around 8 am, enabling a more focused approach to locate and retrieve the victims. As of now, 15 bodies have been brought to the Shahpur sub-district hospital. This tragic accident has sent shockwaves through the local community and authorities, with concerns about the safety standards and protocols followed during the construction project.