SALEM, TAMIL NADU: A Devastating Road Accident in Salem, Tamil Nadu, on Wednesday, September 6, has resulted in the loss of six lives from the same family. Disturbing footage of the incident, captured by a roadside CCTV camera, has been circulating on social media. According to reports from a news agency, the accident occurred on the Salem-Coimbatore national highway when a van, traveling towards Perundurai at approximately 4 am, collided with a parked truck.
The Van, carrying eight occupants, was reportedly on its way from Agur in the Erode district. Tragically, the impact of the collision was so severe that it led to the destruction of the van’s fenders. Among the victims, five have been identified as Selvaraj, Manjula, Arumugam, Palanisamy, and Papathy. In addition to these individuals, a one-year-old child also lost his life in the tragic accident.