NEW DELHI: During the ongoing special parliamentary session, the Women’s Reservation Bill, also known as the Nari Shakti Vandan Bill, has taken the center stage of discussions. Wednesday marked the third day of this significant session, witnessing active deliberations in both Houses. The debate on the Women’s Reservation Bill began in the Lok Sabha, with Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal presenting a briefing on the bill. Following this, Sonia Gandhi, on behalf of the Congress, addressed the House, expressing her thoughts on the crucial matter.
Sonia Gandhi highlighted the progressive journey of women in India and their increasing role in the political landscape. She recalled the historic efforts made by her late husband, Rajiv Gandhi, who initially proposed a law aimed at facilitating the participation of women in local bodies. Although the bill faced a setback in the Rajya Sabha, it was successfully passed during the tenure of the PV Narasimha Rao government. This pioneering legislation has led to the election of 15 lakh women leaders across the nation through local organizations.
The Congress leader emphasized that Rajiv Gandhi’s dream to empower women is only partially fulfilled, urging for the swift implementation of the Nari Shakti Vandan Bill to bring this vision to fruition. The Congress party firmly demands immediate action for the enactment of the bill, advocating against any delays until demarcation. Furthermore, Sonia Gandhi stressed the importance of conducting a caste census to include reservation provisions for SC-ST and OBC women in the bill, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to women’s empowerment in India.