Kishatwar: In a devastating incident on Friday, three laborers lost their lives in an accident that occurred in the Kishtwar district. The mishap took place when a camper van carrying the workers veered off course and plunged into a ravine, instantly claiming the lives of the occupants. The deceased have been identified as Irshad Ahmed, a machine operator, Badal Singh, the driver, and Chhaju Ram, a welder. All three were dedicated laborers employed at the Kiru Power Project in Kishtwar district.
According to reports, the ill-fated van was transporting the workers to a power project currently under construction. Tragically, the vehicle slipped off the road, hurtling into the ravine, resulting in the painful demise of the three individuals on board.
Authorities promptly arrived at the scene, and the police have taken custody of the bodies for post-mortem examinations. The Station House Officer (SHO) of Kishtwar confirmed the unfortunate deaths and informed that a case has been registered while investigations are underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the accident.