DINANAGAR: In a Heartbreaking Incident, Jagjot Singh, a 30-year-old native of Bahadur village under the jurisdiction of the village Purana Shalla police station in Dinanagar, met with a fatal road accident in the United States. The young man’s father, Joginder Singh, revealed that he had sent Jagjot Singh to the United States in 2017, where he worked as a truck driver, covering routes from New York to California.
Joginder Singh recounted that the tragic accident occurred on August 28, causing severe injuries to his son. Jagjot Singh was immediately admitted to a private hospital for medical treatment. However, despite efforts to save him, he succumbed to his injuries on September 7. The family received the heartbreaking news from their relatives residing in the United States.
Notably, A Family Member disclosed that Jagjot Singh leaves behind his grieving wife, two children, and his parents. In light of this tragedy, the family has made an earnest appeal to both the central government and the Punjab government, urging them to facilitate the repatriation of their beloved son’s remains to India at the earliest.