Chandigarh: In an exciting development for movie enthusiasts, the dynamic trio of Diljit Dosanjh, Shehnaaz Gill, and Sonam Bajwa is all set to grace the silver screen once again, following the massive success of ‘Honsla Rakh.’ Their upcoming project, titled ‘Ranna Ch Dhanna,’ is set to captivate audiences and is scheduled to hit theaters on October 2, 2024, as unveiled on September 12, 2023.
After their stellar performance in ‘Honsla Rakh,’ the trio has reunited under the directorial expertise of Amarjit Singh Saron for ‘Ranna Ch Dhanna.’ Diljit Dosanjh, in addition to his acting prowess, takes on the role of producer for this much-anticipated venture. Singer and Actor Diljit Dosanjh unveiled the first poster of the movie on his social media handle. This has sent waves of excitement through fans.