TARN TARAN: A Grave Incident has rocked the district of Tarn Taran in Punjab, where Salvinder Singh, an executive member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) at the village level, fell victim to a late evening shooting by unidentified assailants. The incident unfolded when Singh was standing in front of his house’s entrance at approximately 9:00 pm last night. Unknown individuals on a motorcycle approached him and opened fire before swiftly fleeing the scene.
The Wounded Salvinder Singh was swiftly attended to by villagers and transported to the Civil Hospital of Tarn Taran in a critical condition. Given the severity of his injuries, he was subsequently referred to Amritsar Hospital, where his condition remains critical. Local authorities have initiated an investigation into the incident, with a police team dispatched to the site.
Notably, the attack occurred on a day when Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal, accompanied by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, inaugurated the inaugural School of Eminence in Cheharta, located in Amritsar. Salvinder Singh, a senior leader of the AAP, had also been present at the event. The motive behind the attack and the identities of the assailants are currently under investigation as the authority.