CHANDIGARH: Intelligence reports from Canada have confirmed the demise of notorious gangster Sukhdool Singh, known as Sukha Duneke, associated with the Davinder Bambiha gang from Punjab’s Moga district. The reports indicate that Duneke was fatally shot in an inter-gang rivalry on Wednesday night at Winnipeg, Canada. This incident mirrors the recent killing of terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar during gang conflicts in Surrey on June 19, where Nijjar was brutally targeted with multiple gunshots.
Notably, Duneke, who had fled to Canada from India in 2017 using forged documents, had a notorious criminal record with seven registered cases against him. Disturbingly, this incident brings to light a broader concern, with at least 29 gangsters from the Punjab region and surrounding areas currently seeking refuge outside India to evade the law.
Canada, among other countries, has become a preferred haven for these fugitives, even accusing India of politically motivated actions without substantial evidence, as seen in the case of Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) member Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
Intelligence inputs reveal that Duneke played a significant role in aiding, funding, and strengthening the Davinder Bambiha gang, operating primarily in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and Rajasthan. Duneke’s criminal exploits extended to multiple states in the region, with involvement in over 20 criminal cases, including murder and various heinous crimes.