NEW DELHI: With Parineeti Chopra’s wedding to Raghav Chadha just around the corner, Priyanka Chopra, her superstar sister, recently posted on Instagram, suggesting her possible absence from the Udaipur wedding celebrations. The posts have stirred speculation, although Priyanka might still surprise everyone with her presence.
A Day prior to the much-anticipated wedding, Priyanka Chopra shared a heartfelt message on Instagram all the way from Los Angeles. Sharing a cheerful picture of Parineeti and tagging her and Raghav Chadha, she conveyed her heartfelt wishes for their new journey. In the caption, she wrote, “I hope you are as happy and as content as this on your big day little one…Always wishing you so much love…#Newbeginnings.”
Notably, As the day of the wedding arrived, during a time when Priyanka might have been en route to India, she shared a video from an urban farm in Los Angeles, where she was spending time with her daughter Malti Marie and brother-in-law Franklin Jonas. The Instagram post showcased a glimpse of her serene time at the Kfar Saba Urban Farm. Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra’s mother, Madhu Chopra, was spotted checking into Udaipur airport on Friday afternoon.