In a laudable gesture, Haryana’s Home and Health Minister, Anil Vij, announced a reward of Rs 50,000 for shooter Sarbjot Singh, who exhibited exceptional talent and secured gold and silver medals in the shooting competition during the Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China. The minister expressed his pride and satisfaction in witnessing athletes from Ambala excel on the international sports stage, emphasizing his ongoing dedication to nurturing and promoting global recognition for aspiring athletes in the region.
Shooter Sarbjot Singh, a resident of Ambala, visited the residence of Home Minister Anil Vij to seek his blessings after his commendable performance at the Asian Games. Minister Vij extended heartfelt congratulations to Sarbjot for his remarkable achievement, acknowledging the glory the young shooter had brought to the nation by clinching gold and silver medals in the prestigious Asian Games.
Furthermore, Minister Vij has played a pivotal role in enhancing sports infrastructure in Ambala, allowing athletes like Sarbjot to hone their skills in a conducive environment. Sarbjot expressed his gratitude for the sports facilities made available by Minister Vij, particularly praising the firing range established at the Central Phoenix Club in Ambala Cantt. The athlete highlighted that this facility played a crucial role in his preparation, ultimately leading to his success and the medals he secured at the international level.