SAS NAGAR: In a shocking and tragic turn of events, a dispute over the purchase of a mobile phone worth Rs. Lakh escalated into a horrific triple murder in Kharar, SAS Nagar. The prime suspect, Lakhvir Singh Lakha, a software engineer and younger brother of the deceased, confessed to the police, unveiling a chilling murder plot that claimed the lives of his brother, sister-in-law, and their 2-year-old child.
The Altercation between the brothers, Satveer Singh and Lakhvir Singh Lakha, often arose due to their differences, primarily related to work. However, the tipping point was a recent quarrel regarding the purchase of a mobile phone. This disagreement fueled deep-rooted animosity, leading to a gruesome plan orchestrated by Lakhvir Singh Lakha and his friend, Ram Saroop alias Gurpreet Bunty.
Around 15 days ago, the accused and Gurpreet Bunty devised a sinister plan to murder Satveer Singh and his wife. They executed their plan by strangling Satveer Singh’s wife with a Dupatta (Cloth), and when Satveer Singh returned home at night, he was brutally assaulted, resulting in his demise. The perpetrators then disposed of the bodies by throwing them into a canal in Ropar.
In a harrowing confession, Lakhvir Singh Lakha revealed that they initially intended to dispose of their nephew, Anahad, as well. However, fear and apprehension prevented them from doing so. They eventually left the child’s body in the Morinda canal.
The Suspicions of Lakha’s involvement in the murders were raised by his father, Bhagat Singh, who noted his son’s idleness and apparent resentment towards his brother’s flourishing business and newly built house. Lakha was eventually apprehended by the police, and his confession shed light on the horrific events.
The Authorities produced Lakhvir Singh Lakha before the court, which granted a six-day police remand for further investigation. Meanwhile, the family of the deceased, grief-stricken by the loss, is determined to lay their loved ones to rest together once their bodies are recovered.