The Ethics Committee of the Lok Sabha has issued a summon to Trinamool Congress member Mahua Moitra, requesting her presence on October 31 in connection with allegations of financial impropriety related to “asking questions with money” within the House. This development follows a meeting of the committee on Thursday, where its head, Bharatiya Janata Party MP Vinod Kumar Sonkar, announced that he would collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Information Technology to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the allegations against the Trinamool MP.
Sonkar confirmed that Moitra has been formally called to appear before the committee on October 31. During the committee’s proceedings on Thursday, statements were recorded from lawyer Jai Anant Dehadrai and Bharatiya Janata Party MP Nishikant Dubey.
The origins of this inquiry trace back to a letter written by BJP MP Dubey to the Lok Sabha Speaker on October 15. In his communication, Dubey raised concerns regarding the nature of 61 questions posed by Moitra during recent Lok Sabha sessions, with a predominant focus on 50 of them. In response, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla referred the matter to the Ethics Committee, which is now actively investigating these serious allegations.