108 Ambulance Workers in Punjab to stop services from Aug 4 over unmet demands, delayed promises

Chandigarh: The 108 ambulance staff is preparing for another strike as the Punjab government fails to fulfill promises made by Health Minister seven months ago. In January, they staged a protest for higher salaries and rights, and were assured of action, including a Rs 5000 raise, by the Health Minister.

However, both the government and the company have failed to provide relief or pay January salaries. On This Occasion, National President Pankaz Dwesar Of Rashtriya Bhagwan Sena, Chairman Santokh Gill, Ravi Kumar, Guru Baba Nachhatar Nath Of Balmik Samaj Promised All Possible Help To Bring Justice To The 108 Ambulance Staff.

Amandeep Singh, State President of the 108 Employees Union, and Vice President Joga Singh, have been advocating for government takeover of their services to protect employees from distant transfers, which have adversely affected their lives. They are also demanding medical accident insurance and restoration of cut holidays during Covid. The union accuses the government of taking punitive action against workers who raised their voices for their rights. Allegations of financial mismanagement by government officials have further exacerbated the situation.

In a decisive move, the 108 Ambulance Workers Union has announced that they will go on strike from 4th August an indefinite period to press for their demands. The union warns of an indefinite and intense struggle if their demands are not met and calls for decisive action against the company. The situation remains tense as representatives of the ambulance staff seek justice and relief.
