Chandigarh: Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) booked an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), Malwinder Singh, posted at City Police Station-1 Malerkotla, for accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from Jagtar Singh resident of village Himtana in Malerkotla district.
Divulging the details here today, an official spokesperson of the VB said that Jagtar Singh lodged a complaint that the accused ASI had demanded a bribe of Rs 50,000 to withdraw the name of his son, Pawanpreet Singh, from FIR no 123 dated 19-05-2022 registered under sections 420, 406, 120-B, 506 of IPC at City Police Station-1, Malerkotla. The complainant also alleged that the ASI already took Rs 10,000 from him.
After preliminary investigation of the complaint, the spokesperson said that a team of VB laid a trap to nab the accused police official, who managed to flee from the spot in his swift car with bribe money of Rs 10,000 received from the complainant after seeing the VB team. The team of VB chased him and found the car abandoned near Balad Kanchian (Bhawanigarh). During the checking of the car, the VB recovered the trap money of Rs 10,000, besides, 460 grams Poppy Husk and 9 grams opium from the vehicle.
In this regard, the spokesperson said that an FIR no 11 under section 7 of Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against ASI Malwinder Singh at Economic Offences Wing (EoW) of VB, Ludhiana. The police have also registered a separate case FIR no 137 dated 08-08-2023 under sections 15 and 18 of the NDPS Act against him at Police Station, Bhawanigarh.