Jalandhar: In a carjacking incident, three robbers snatched a car from a resident of GTB Nagar on gunpoint near Model Town Gurudwara here on Tuesday afternoon, before making a swift escape.
The victim, identified as Lakshya, had gone to a street adjacent to the Gurudwara in Model Town for buying vegetables when the incident took place.
The victim recounted how he reached his car and the three robbers approached him on foot from the opposite direction. “In a matter of moments, they brandished firearms, forcibly seizing my car, and swiftly fled the area, leaving me visibly shaken”, he added.
Meanwhile, after getting information about the incident, officials from police division number 6 reached the spot.
On the victim’s complaint, police registered a case and launched an investigation into the matter.
Officials said they are scrutinizing the CCTV camera footage of the Model Town Gurudwara and nearby areas for crucial leads.