KAPURTHALA: In a disturbing turn of events, a youth residing in Guru Nanak Nagar met an untimely demise under suspicious circumstances. Jaskaranjit Singh, the deceased, was rushed unconscious to the Civil Hospital by his family, only for the doctors to pronounce him brought dead.
The young man, identified as Jaskaranjit Singh, hailed from Guru Nanak Nagar. He had lost both his parents, and following his father’s employment in the Punjab Police, Jaskaranjit had secured a job within the police force.
Approximately 8 months ago, Jaskaranjit was suspended from his job, which plunged him into a state of deep depression. Late on Thursday night, the residents living in the same house where Jaskaranjit resided noticed an unusual silence when they knocked on his door to inquire about a bike parked outside. Alarmed, they promptly informed the police.
Notably, Baljinder Singh, SHO of Kapurthala Urban Estate, mentioned that action has been initiated under section 174 based on the statements provided by Jaspreet Kaur, the sister of the deceased youth. The actual cause of death remains uncertain and will only be ascertained after the completion of the post-mortem examination.