CHANDIGARH: Former Finance Minister of Punjab and BJP leader, Manpreet Badal, has secured a significant legal reprieve from the Punjab and Haryana High Court, which granted him interim bail in a case involving alleged irregularities in land distribution in Bathinda. The court’s decision has temporarily averted the looming threat of arrest, providing Manpreet Badal with some respite during ongoing legal proceedings.
The Case against Manpreet Badal pertains to accusations of purchasing government plots at a below-market rate, allegedly orchestrated through a conspiracy involving officials from the Bathinda Development Authority (BDA). This purported malpractice has led to an estimated government loss exceeding Rs 60 lakhs. The Punjab Vigilance Bureau has diligently pursued the case, attempting to execute an arrest. Raids were conducted not only within Punjab but also across Haryana, Chandigarh, and Himachal Pradesh in connection with the case. Furthermore, apart from Manpreet Badal, the vigilance authorities raided residences associated with his relatives and gunmen. A lookout circular, along with an arrest warrant, was issued against Manpreet Badal.
While the court has granted interim bail, specific conditions may be imposed, such as the surrender of his passport and active participation in the ongoing investigation. The written orders from the High Court, detailing the conditions, are awaited, shedding light on the precise terms of the interim bail.