Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state, on Wednesday has nabbed Girdawar/Kanoongo Manjit Singh posted at Tehsil Office Dasuya in Hoshiarpur district for demanding bribe of Rs. 10,000.
Revealing the details here today, an official spokesperson of the VB said that the accused official has been arrested on the complaint of Rampal resident of village Ucchi Bassi in Hoshiarpur district.
He said that the complainant has lodged a complaint on the Anti-corruption Action Line on June 21, 2023 that the said official has demanded a bribe of Rs 10,000 in lieu of the mutation of a land.
The spokesperson informed that after preliminary investigation of this complaint, Police Station VB, Jalandhar Range today arrested the accused official for demanding a bribe of Rs 10,000 from the complainant.
In this regard, a case under various sections of Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against the accused Girdawar/Kanoongo at Police Station VB, Jalandhar Range. Further investigations in this case are under progress.