Madurai: In a harrowing incident that unfolded at Madurai railway station in Tamil Nadu, a train en route from Lucknow to Rameswaram was engulfed in flames, resulting in a devastating tragedy that claimed the lives of 10 individuals. The incident occurred during the early hours, leaving the nation in shock and mourning.
Reports from Southern Railway sources, as conveyed by news agency , state that a passenger compartment of the Lucknow-bound Rameswaram train caught fire, resulting in eight fatalities and leaving 20 others injured. The blaze erupted at approximately 5:15 am in a private coach of the Punalur-Madurai Express while stationed at the Madurai yard.
Notably, Swift action was taken by fire brigade units, which managed to control the flames, preventing further destruction to the adjoining coaches. The Southern Railway officials confirmed the occurrence of the fire, attributing its origin to a gas cylinder that was illicitly concealed and brought onto the train by passengers. The tragic incident has raised questions about safety protocols, as the presence of a gas cylinder within the coach points to a significant security breach. As the nation mourns the lives lost in this unfortunate incident, investigations are likely to delve into the circumstances leading to the presence of the gas cylinder and the lapses in security that allowed it to go undetected.