In a historic moment, French President Emmanuel Macron presented Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the esteemed Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour. This prestigious award, the highest honor bestowed by France in military or civilian orders, marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relations between India and France. Prime Minister Modi becomes the first Indian head of state to receive this remarkable recognition.
Expressing gratitude for the honor, Prime Minister Modi acknowledged President Macron’s gesture as a symbol of the enduring spirit of partnership between India and France. Arindam Bagchi, the official spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, characterized the award as a heartwarming gesture reflecting the strong bond between the two nations.
The award ceremony took place during Prime Minister Modi’s two-day visit to France, highlighting the deepening ties and mutual respect between the two countries. The event showcased the importance of fostering strong diplomatic relationships and enhancing cooperation in various fields.