Phillaur: A heartbreaking incident has emerged from Dubai. Jasveer Singh, a young man from the serene district of Tarn Taran in Punjab, tragically passed away due to a sudden heart attack while in Dubai. His untimely demise has left his family devastated, leaving behind a young child and a helpless wife.
Jasveer Singh, a resident of Warring Suba Singh, made the courageous decision to pursue a brighter future in Dubai, leaving his homeland 15 years ago. Like many others, he ventured overseas with hopes of providing a better life for himself and his family. However, fate had other plans, and his dreams were cut short by a sudden heart attack.
The news of Jasveer Singh’s passing has cast a shadow over his family, who now find themselves grappling with the grief of losing a loved one and the daunting task of bringing his body back to India for the last rites. The family has turned to the Indian and Punjab government for support, appealing for assistance to facilitate the repatriation of Jasveer Singh’s remains.