PATIALA: In a devastating turn of events, Gurwinder Singh, a young Punjabi boy hailing from the village of Kherki near Samana, who had ventured to Canada for higher education, met an untimely demise due to a heart attack. The 24-year-old, who was the only son of his parents, had embarked on this academic journey a year and a half ago on a study visa.
Gurwinder Singh was pursuing his dreams and aspirations in Canada, accompanied by the support and pride of his family, including his father Jarnail Singh, a hardworking farmer, and his elder sister, who had also sought educational opportunities in Canada.
The News of Gurwinder Singh’s sudden demise has sent shockwaves through the tight-knit community of Kherki. Gurwinder Singh’s father, Jarnail Singh, had nurtured hopes and dreams for both his children. Little did they anticipate that their son’s return would be under such tragic circumstances. The entire village and surrounding communities are mourning the loss of this promising young talent, reflecting on the fragility of life and the impermanence of dreams. Condolences pour in from near and far for the grieving family in this difficult time.